Words of the year from Twitter, 2016
Three bots have been collecting words from Twitter for the past year.
They've looked for certain sentences and extracted the X.
- @lovihatibot -- "I love/hate the word X"
- @nixibot -- "X is not/isn't/ain't a word"
- @favibot -- "X is my new favorite/favourite/fave word"
Combining and comparing the logs of all three, let's see the top words of 2016. Bold means a word wasn't in that chart in 2015.
Combined output
Total in 2016: 168,241
- mines (4,060)
- bae (3,369)
- no (2,582)
- forever (2,143)
- lit (2,005)
- moist (1,805)
- love (1,790)
- bigly (1,488)
- conversate (1,358)
- ain't (1,339)
- irregardless (1,204)
- homophobia (1,186)
- justice (1,138)
- loyalty (985)
- soon (886)
- cunt (869)
- impossible (787)
- sorry (781)
- family (766)
- finna (674)
lovihatibot | nixibot | favibot |
2016 total: 85,828 | 2016 total: 71,609 | 2016 total: 10,807 |
Here's top 10 charts for each phrase from each bot.
I love the word X | I hate the word X |
X is not a word | X isn't a word | X ain't a word |
X is my new favorite word | X is my new favourite word | X is my new fave word |
Changes from past years
Let's see how mentions have changed for some previous years' words.
People talking about words ‒ especially new favourite words, or loved words, or hated words, or words they've decided don't exist ‒ may be a good indicator of brand new words or at least words with new currency. Both increases and decreases may reflect an underlying change in use, and decreases may reflect an acceptance of the words.
The words from 2013 and 2014 have all more or less tailed off.
The words from 2013 and 2014 have all more or less tailed off.
From 2015, lit is still being talked about. It's commonly used as "lit af", or "lit as fuck", for example in this tweet:
My Year is starting off lit af👌🏼 ...but is gonna be TD by Monday morning
Something, I'm not sure what, happened in June 2015 that caused its use to explode on Twitter:
Fam (from family, for those closest to you but not necessarily family), has been around a long time, peaked in January 2015 and has tailed off.
Similarly, slay ("killed it. succeeded in something amazing", "something you tell someone when they look sexy as f***") has been around for a while and was talked about in 2016 as well.
New in 2016
2016's words have been dominated by those from the US presidential elections, such as braggadocious (and bragadocious, "boastful or arrogant"), shenanigans ("secret or dishonest activity or maneuvering") and malarkey ("meaningless talk; nonsense"), but most notably by bigly (or "big league"):
Another with a very recent peak is headass:
For words causing a reaction in 2017, follow @lovihatibot, @nixibot and @favibot on Twitter.