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Words of the year from Twitter, 2018

Three bots have been collecting words from Twitter for the past year.


Short version:

In 2018, people on Twitter talked about the words stan, toxic, peoplekind, councel, beclowned, caucasity, kakistocracy, catastrofuck, shithole, bombogenesis, chucklefuck, trumpfuckery, clackwanker, wankpuffin, dipshittery, fucksicle, and fuckwangled. 


Long version:

They've looked for certain sentences and extracted the X.

Combining and comparing the logs of all three, let's see the top words of 2018. Bold means a word wasn't in that chart in 2017.

Combined output

Total in 2018: 81,695

  1. justice (980)
  2. irregardless (876)
  3. soon (696)
  4. no (684)
  5. love (636)
  6. mines (571)
  7. homophobia (506)
  8. moist (491)
  9. bae (434)
  10. clout (365)
  11. cunt (364)
  12. alot (354)
  13. nut (333)
  14. ain't (329)
  15. cock (324)
  16. forever (305)
  17. hurted (291)
  18. yolo (280)
  19. sexy (271)
  20. impossible (269)


2018 total: 41,0922018 total: 33,0782018 total: 7,525
  1. soon (688)
  2. no (528)
  3. homophobia (494)
  4. moist (483)
  5. bae (420)
  6. clout (356)
  7. nut (333)
  8. cunt (332)
  9. cock (319)
  10. yolo (277)
  11. sexy (240)
  12. bitch (227)
  13. sorry (210)
  14. queer (205)
  15. stan (197)
  16. coochie (190)
  17. fuck (186)
  18. fate (182)
  19. diet (167)
  20. toxic (159)
  1. justice (975)
  2. irregardless (869)
  3. mines (565)
  4. love (501)
  5. alot (352)
  6. ain't (324)
  7. hurted (289)
  8. forever (259)
  9. impossible (249)
  10. conversate (230)
  11. loyalty (224)
  12. anyways (209)
  13. finna (154)
  14. stupider (153)
  15. t (149)
  16. usa (125)
  17. marriage (111)
  18. peoplekind (105)
  19. councel (105)
  20. funner (104)
  1. no (68)
  2. beclowned (59)
  3. caucasity (35)
  4. whore (32)
  5. kakistocracy (30)
  6. feckless (25)
  7. cockwomble (24)
  8. yikes (22)
  9. bitch (20)
  10. shithole (19)
  11. catastrofuck (17)
  12. kissy (16)
  13. bombogenesis (15)
  14. oof (15)
  15. cunt (15)
  16. chucklefuck (14)
  17. trumpfuckery (14)
  18. wankpuffin (12)
  19. dipshittery (11)
  20. fuck (11)

Here's top 10 charts for each phrase from each bot. 


I love the word XI hate the word X
  1. cunt (245)
  2. fuck (173)
  3. fate (167)
  4. bitch (147)
  5. play (145)
  6. moist (99)
  7. choice (68)
  8. whore (55)
  9. cock (47)
  10. queer (47)
  1. soon (648)
  2. homophobia (492)
  3. no (489)
  4. bae (417)
  5. moist (384)
  6. clout (351)
  7. nut (330)
  8. yolo (277)
  9. cock (272)
  10. sexy (234)


X is not a wordX isn't a wordX ain't a word
  1. irregardless (738)
  2. mines (535)
  3. love (437)
  4. forever (259)
  5. hurted (255)
  6. impossible (241)
  7. alot (241)
  8. conversate (196)
  9. loyalty (162)
  10. anyways (156)
  1. justice (964)
  2. irregardless (125)
  3. ain't (112)
  4. alot (109)
  5. stupider (59)
  6. anyways (51)
  7. just (51)
  8. happeh (49)
  9. love (49)
  10. usa (46)
    • ain't (150)
    • loyalty (23)
    • funk (19)
    • love (15)
    • unlonely (15)
    • is (13)
    • ignorantest (8)
    • finna (6)
    • irregardless (6)
    • shit (5)


X is my new favorite wordX is my new favourite word
  1. no (59)
  2. beclowned (54)
  3. caucasity (27)
  4. kakistocracy (26)
  5. whore (25)
  6. feckless (21)
  7. yikes (20)
  8. shithole (18)
  9. cockwomble (15)
  10. bombogenesis (13)
  1. catastrofuck (14)
  2. cockwomble (8)
  3. caucasity (8)
  4. kissy (8)
  5. clackwanker (7)
  6. no (7)
  7. wankpuffin (7)
  8. fucksicle (7)
  9. fuckwangled (7)
  10. bitch (6)

Previous years

See the words from 2017, 201620152014 and 2013.


For words causing a reaction in 2019, follow @lovihatibot@nixibot and @favibot on Twitter.