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Sphinx docs: How to activate tabs for your OS

On the Python Developer’s Guide and Pillow documentation we have some pages with tabs for different operating systems:

Screenshot showing instructions how to build Python. Some parts have Unix, macOS and Windows tabs. The macOS tab is active, showing a configure command to run in your terminal. Underneath is a second step with its own tabs and a macOS command. There’s a macOS-specific note underneath.

It’s possible to add some JavaScript so that the matching tab is activated based on the visitor’s operating system.

Here’s how!

Sphinx Inline Tabs #

First add the Sphinx Inline Tabs extension to your docs' requirements.txt:

# requirements.txt

JavaScript #

Next, add activate_tab.js to your _static/ directory:

// activate_tab.js
// Based on
function getOS() {
  const userAgent = window.navigator.userAgent,
    platform = window.navigator?.userAgentData?.platform || window.navigator.platform,
    macosPlatforms = ["macOS", "Macintosh", "MacIntel", "MacPPC", "Mac68K"],
    windowsPlatforms = ["Win32", "Win64", "Windows", "WinCE"],
    iosPlatforms = ["iPhone", "iPad", "iPod"];

  if (macosPlatforms.includes(platform)) {
    return "macOS";
  } else if (iosPlatforms.includes(platform)) {
    return "iOS";
  } else if (windowsPlatforms.includes(platform)) {
    return "Windows";
  } else if (/Android/.test(userAgent)) {
    return "Android";
  } else if (/Linux/.test(platform)) {
    return "Unix";

  return "unknown";

function activateTab(tabName) {
  // Find all label elements containing the specified tab name
  const labels = document.querySelectorAll(".tab-label");

  labels.forEach((label) => {
    if (label.textContent.includes(tabName)) {
      // Find the associated input element using the 'for' attribute
      const tabInputId = label.getAttribute("for");
      const tabInput = document.getElementById(tabInputId);

      // Check if the input element exists before attempting to set the "checked" attribute
      if (tabInput) {
        // Activate the tab by setting its "checked" attribute to true
        tabInput.checked = true;
} #

Add the extension and JavaScript to your

extensions = [

html_js_files = [

reStructuredText #

Almost there!

Add tabs to the reStructuredText files.

For example, here we have three different commands; one for Unix, one for macOS, and one for Windows:

.. tab:: Unix

    .. code-block:: shell

        ./python -m test -h

.. tab:: macOS

    .. code-block:: shell

        ./python.exe -m test -h

.. tab:: Windows

    .. code-block:: dosbatch

        .\python.bat -m test -h

Finally, add the JavaScript to the same reST page to activate the correct tab:

.. raw:: html

    document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() {

You can see the results here. When the page loads, the browser finds the browser name, and activates the tabs with a matching name.

If you have many sets of tabs on a page, the corresponding OS tab will be activated for all. And if you click on another OS tab, all the others with the same name are activated.

Happy tabbing!

Header photo: “The Great Pyramid and the Sphinx” by National Galleries of Scotland, with no known copyright restrictions.